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Sunday, December 23, 2012

WEEK 18 - #26Acts

In the past week, there has been a movement gaining ground on Twitter and other social networking sites to have everyone do one random act of kindness for every victim of the Newtown shooting. I've decided that when I get back, I will have a competition between my classes to see which class can get to 26 acts first. There will be no prize and no extra credit given, just the joy of doing something nice for another person. We'll figure out how to write it in Spanish, then post it on the wall. Not only will the students learn new words (as well as the past tense "I" conjugation), it will also help to build a positive climate in the classroom and the school.

I encourage you all to also do 26 nice things for people!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Date Start End Total Hours
12/16/2012 3:45 PM 5:45 PM 2
7:15 PM 9:00 PM 1.75
9:30 PM 10:30 PM 1
12/17/2012 8:15 AM 4:45 PM 8.5
12/18/2012 7:15 AM 5:30 PM 10.25
12/19/2012 7:30 AM 5:00 PM 9.5
9:00 PM 10:30 PM 1.5
12/20/2012 7:30 AM 5:45 PM 10.25
12/21/2012 7:15 AM 3:45 PM 8.5
Total 53.25

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