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Sunday, October 28, 2012

WEEK 10 - Open Houses

This past Thursday we had an informational open house for 8th graders (and their parents) who are thinking of attending Washburn next year. During the open house, we had representatives from all different content areas to talk about what the students can expect in different classes at our school. I, along with Nancy Gustafson (French), was one of the representatives for the World Languages team. We were in Nancy's room and had to give an overview of our program and answer questions all within a 15-minute timeframe. We had to do this for 6 different sessions. The open house went from 6:30-8:30pm, which made for a really long day at school (I left only to give someone a ride home, then returned and continued my work until the open house).

Although open houses don't happen all the time, this was the 2nd one so far this school year. The first one was for the parents of current students to come and see what we are doing and ask questions. This one was for prospective students. In a few weeks, I will have another open house at one of nearby middle schools to answer any questions that those particular parents and students may have about Washburn's language program.

My hours for week 10:

Day Date Start End Total Hours
Sun 10/21/2012 8:00 AM 12:15 PM 4.25
5:00 PM 9:30 PM 4.5
M 10/22/2012 4:00 PM 5:25 PM 1.25
8:30 PM 11:00 PM 2.5
T 10/23/2012 7:15 AM 6:45 PM 11.5
10:15 PM 11:30 PM 1.25
W 10/24/2012 7:45 AM 4:30 PM 8.75
5:15 PM 6:00 PM 0.75
9:00 PM 10:30 PM 1.5
Th 10/25/2012 7:45 AM 8:45 PM 13
F 10/26/2012 7:30 AM 4:00 PM 8.5
Sat 10/27/2012 8:15 PM 9:00 PM 0.75
Total 58.5

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